Young Personnel for Offshore Wind Energy

About the Project.

According to Poland’s Energy Policy until 2040, offshore wind farms with a total installed capacity of up to 11 GW will be built in Poland over the next two decades. This emerging industry in the Polish market will create jobs in various sectors, including transport, accommodation, catering, insurance, training, and energy supply.

The project’s objectives align directly with the goals of the Education Program and include strengthening human potential and expanding knowledge in Poland.

The project addresses the priority areas of the Program: Inclusive Education; Development and promotion of the VET sector, including cooperation between vocational education institutions and employers, as well as the development of career counseling.

The project was created within a consortium of three entities representing the vocational education sector and employers. The project activities include:

  1. Developing and updating the educational offerings of vocational education and training institutions.
  2. Training approximately 100 career counselors to disseminate information about employment opportunities in the offshore market.
  3. Preparing youth to enter the job market in the newly emerging offshore wind energy sector.
  4. Organizing events to disseminate the project’s results.